gs2 is a work in progress general purpose programming langauge. it is written in perl, javasript and c.

its syntax being similar to javascript and perl. it is loosely typed, with data types being strings / arrays / hashes.

while I am still working on this project in my free time and it is yet to be completed, its purpose is to provide quick inlining of configurations for more complex programs.

as an example. say you are writing a server , and you want to write it in c. since parsing anything in c (frankly any language) is a real time consuming challenge, I wanted to have simple inline instruction set to run a given piece of software. this prevents recomplilation, and in the case of portability makes life a dream b/c I can now prototype in perl, still have the flexibility of an interpreted language, on demand, and when I transfer a project to c, not have to worry about coding messy bits.

inlining code in perl and javascript is also advantageous b/c it allows you to limit the instructions being executed from 3rd parties, without running an eval on js/perl in your scripts. it also elps to

gs2 is a fully functional language. it supports

  • if/while
  • functions
  • data as hash / array/ scalar
  • compilation into parse tree for performance and light security.
  • incremental running of code, plus exporting of workspace data
  • customizable syntax (symbols, keywords)